
Monday, March 28, 2011

I Dread Going to Shul- By Daniel Schwartz

This article about Chazzanut appears in issue 9 of Conversations, the journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals.

It provides a historical context for the decline of the role of Cantorial Music in Synagogue practice, stemming from the emergence of the Young Israel movement, who's mission was to render synagogue services more relevant to the contemporary worshipper.

Read the article here- I Dread Going to Shul

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Naftali Herstik - Shomer Yisrael

Last week I came across a video by Naftali Herstik, backed by the Neimah Singers doing a choral arrangement of Shomer Yisrael. Videos like these "Save" my life every once in a while, breathing fresh clean air into my lungs and fueling my continued passion for life and music. Not bad for a few minutes on youtube!

Cantor Herstik's voice soars over the choir in a light Falsetto, adorning the beautiful choral arrangement that rests beneath it, uplifting all those who choose to immerse themselves in the music. One can only hope more congregations will adopt similar practices to uplift congregants.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Virtual Cantor- Nussach Library

For those of you that want a free resource for basic traditional Nussach (tunes), visit Virtual Cantor.

It has MP3's for just about every prayer you may want to learn. This site is ideal for a novice Cantor. If you are training to be a professional cantor you probably would want something else. Enjoy and have a great weekend, all!